Canyon Lake Parrot Head Club
Canyon Lake Parrot Head Club
Updated 2-2020
A. Name
The organization will be called Canyon Lake Parrot Head Club hereafter referred to as
B. Purpose
The purpose of the organization is to promote the Club as a humanitarian group sharing
information and social activities for the mutual benefit. The organization will engage in
activities that are charitable, educational and that promotes the general welfare of the
C. Statement Of Purpose
The club's purpose is to assist in community and environmental concerns and provide a
variety of social activities for people who are interested in the music of Jimmy Buffet and
of the tropical lifestyle he personifies.
D. Disclaimer
We are recognized by but in no way attached to Jimmy Buffet and his business interests
in Key West, New Orleans, Charleston, and Orlando. We are not associated with HK
Management, MCA Records, Island Records, Mailboat Records, or Margaritaville
Records. We would like to stress that Mr. Buffett's name, his song titles, lyrics, names of
businesses owned by Mr. Buffet and the term “Parrot Heads” are all registered
trademarks and should not be used for the purpose of profit. Clubs are allowed to use the
term “Parrot Head” on t-shirts etc., but not “Jimmy Buffet's name.
A. Club Membership
Membership to club shall be open to all, regardless of sex, creed, national origin or
sexual preference. A member will be considered in good standing so long as their dues
are current.
B. Dues
1. Individual $20, Household $30 yearly.
2. Dues renewal are due in the month you join.
3. Effective date of changes February 2020.
4. A household is considered to be 2 two adults and any dependent children living at a single address.
C. Denial of Membership
The Executive Board may deny membership in the Club to any person whom the entire
Executive Board determines by unanimously vote does not meet requirements for
D. Conduct
All members agree to recognize and adhere to the attached “Code of Conduct”.
Infraction to the “Code” are subject to actions as stated in Section VII B.
III Meetings
A. Social Meetings
The Club shall attempt to schedule at least one social event each month. Usually
every 2nd Thursday, Unless changed to another date for other reasons such as
holidays etc. Each event will contain some type of charity fundraiser. (raffle).
B. Board Meeting
General Board Meeting will occur as needed. These meeting will be
conducted by the Club President or in his absence, a designated member of the
Executive Board. Any member of good standing may attend the board meeting. All
Club decisions at the business meeting will be a simple majority vote of those
present. Minutes will be taken at all meetings and reported out at the following
IV Club Officers, Executive Board and Elections
A. Officers
The Club will elect the following officers for a two year term under the conditions
listed below: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer. The President and
Secretary shall be elected in odd years, The Vice President and Treasurer shall be
elected in even years. The newly elected officers will take over January 1st of the
following year after elections and announcement at the December meeting.
B. Election Officer
The Election Board shall appoint an Election Officer to conduct and oversee the next
election procedure starting in September. The Election Office shall operate within
the guide lines provided by the Executive Board. The Election Officer shall maintain
the privacy and integrity of all assigned duties.
C. Nominations
The election officers shall email a “call for nominations” all members in good standing for all offices to be elected in the upcoming year on or before December 15. This notice will include the offices to be elected, the dates and terms of the upcoming election and a statement that the election will be by ballots voting for a simple majority. Nominations may be emailed to the election officer no later than October 31st. Qualified nominees, as determined by the Club's bylaws and/or Executive Board, shall be places on the ballot.
D. Elections
The Election Officer shall email ballots to all members in good standing on or before November 31st. A single membership shall receive one ballot, and a family membership shall receive two ballot. Each ballot shall include the name of the member for whom it is intended. The ballot will include all offices to be elected and all qualified nominees for each office. It shall also contains the name of the Election Officer and an email address. All ballots must be received by the Election Officer by December 28th. Final results of the election shall be tabulated before the end of the December business meeting and announced at that time. The Election Officer shall then seal the ballots to be maintained 30 days and then destroyed.
E. Executive Board
The Executive Board will consist of the Club President, Vice President, Secretary, and 3 appointed ( by Board member) non office holding Board member. The non office board members will be given one vote. The Executive Board will the responsible for insuring all the club activities are conducted within the guidelines of Parrot Head in Paradise Inc. and the Club Statement of Purpose as outlines in article 1-B. The board will be empowered to make decisions between business meeting to ensure these goals are met. All decisions will be by consensus, with each member having one vote. The President may serve as a tie breaker if consensus cannot be reached. Any and all Board decisions will be reported at the next general business meeting. The Executive Board will act on recommendations received from the general membership at the general business meetings and forward projects/ concepts to the general membership at the general business meetings.
V. Responsibilities of Officers
A. President
The president shall be the principle executive officer of the organization, in charge of the business and affairs of the organization. The President shall assure that the resolutions and directives off the Executive Committee are carried out. The President shall have such powers and duties as are usually exercised by such an officer, a.) be the Executive Officer of the club and preside at any special meetings and meetings of the Executive Committee, b.) be an ex-officio member of all committees, c.) have the power to call Special Meetings of the Club and Special Meetings of the Executive Committee, d.) manage all other matters assigned by the Executive Committee, e.) make timely transfer of all documents related to this position, f. ) deal with and try to resolve complaints and issues within the Club and with PhiP, g.) serve as liaison with PhiP or designate this role to another member of the Executive Board on a case-by-case basis, and h.) appoint subject to the approval of the Executive Board, and except as provided elsewhere in these bylaws, members to the Standing and Special Committees, including vacancies.
B. Vice President
The Vice President shall a.) in the absence of the President have the powers and duties to the President, b.) serve as liaison with other Parrot Head Clubs and the Club Committees, c.) serve as member Ticket Committee, d.) deal with other matters and or powers that are delegated to the position by the president o the Executive Board, e.) Work to insure all PhiP/local charity guidelines are met.
C. Secretary
The secretary shall a) ensure that minutes are recorded at all Executive Board meetings, b) perform other duties as designated by the Club President and Executive Board. c) and will post the minutes from the the monthly General meetings via group email list. Copies will be made available.
D. Treasurer
The Treasurer shall a) record and keep track of all financial functions and transactions , b) balance accounts, issue checks for all charities and expenditures based on receipts supplied, c) petition and collect member dues on a yearly basis, d) other duties as designated by the President and Executive Board.
VI Officer Eligibility Requirements, Vacancies and Abandonment
A. All Officers/Executive Board Members shall be members in good standing.
B. Vacancies in all positions can be created by resignation, abandonment of duties, or
violation of any article of the bylaws. A position shall be defined as abandoned if
the officer is absent from all business meetings without just cause for a period of
three consecutive months. Persons filing vacated positions shall be appointed for the
duration of the term by a majority vote of the Executive Board.
C. Abandonment and just cause will be determined by a unanimous vote of all Board members.
VII Miscellaneous
A. Adoption of Bylaws
These bylaws have been approved by a majority of members in good standing at a
general business meeting. Future modifications/amendments to the bylaws will be
researched and proposed by specially appointed committee. Approval of changes
shall be accomplished by a unanimous Executive Board vote and included as a
referendum on the election ballot.
B. Infraction of Bylaws
The Executive Board may suspend from the club any member whom the entire
Executive Board determines no longer meets the requirements for membership set
forth in Article II of these bylaws and/or “Code of Conduct”. This must be done by
a unanimous vote. The vote suspends such member's membership in the Club and
all rights and privileges associated therein. At the next Club meeting, the
membership shall be informed of the decision, and the information will be properly
recorded in the minutes. The Club's Executive Board decisions are final.
C. Expenditures/Reimbursements/Budgets
The Club members wishing to be reimbursed or approved for expenditures for the
Club's related activities such as, but not limited to, construction materials,
necessary supplies for official Club events, or official and/or Club sponsored
functions, prior to spending moneys, shall obtain approval in writing, from the
Executive Board for all expenditures.
End Of Document